martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012


I search for your lips in his kisses, your smell in his skin, your gaze in his eyes; because I havent forgot you, not too much, not a little.

The big dilema

The big dilema -that actually is not that big-
I needed to sing up for college, but it had to be done via web -no problem- but there was something, it had to be done on internet explorer; it took me the entire day to answer only 20 questions, because that piece of poop was not only slow but also crappy; so my day was basically spend by the computer looking at the screen waiting for that thing to work. A very productive day.

To blog or not to blog?

I think the desition to that question was answered the moment I started writing this. Why should I ever keep a blog about myself and my personal problems and joys, that's another question. (actually I dont even know why Im doing it) I guess that's something I'll figure out someday, somehow...or at least I think so.
So yeah, this is my blog (actually second blog, the other one's in spanish)